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School Project

In the years 2001-2006 our association has provided the choir “Le Cicale” of the Primary school in Turriaco with the traditional “bisiac” costumes in order to bring the children closer to their roots. Thanks to this initiative, the choir is the only children's choir who sings in costume and they had participated at choir reunions in Austria and Slovenia. The children's costumes are available to be used also for other projects in other schools.
We are currently working especially with the Comprehensive Institute Dante Alighieri at San Canzian d'Isonzo. Some activities, with special workshops, are centred on developing the children's knowledge of historical an geographical aspects of the Bisiacaria, past jobs and toys, traditional festivities, songs and rhymes.
With the Kindergarden “Scuola dell'Infanzia di Turriaco” we are cooperating for a specific “Progetto Infanzia” (Childhood Project): our experts help teachers and children in special workshops about hand-made toys and wicker baskets ; moreover, we arrange for the children guided tours in museums and eshibitions which display models and toys, included those organized by the Group itself. The Language Project “Progetto Lingue”, started in 2009, is aimed at the improvement of linguistic confidence and fluency in the main European languages and is directed not only to students but also to adults according to the lifelong learning culture.


Pieris, scuola primaria di secondo grado Carducci: cestai in erba 21.03.06

Turriaco, Chiesa di S.Rocco,concerto  coro Le cicale gennaio 2006

14 gennaio 2008, Vermegliano (Ronchi dei Llegionari, GO) con i bambini della Scuola Primaria di lingua slovena