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Our Group

The traditional group of “Bisiachi” Costumes was officially formed in December 2000. It is involved in promoting the local historical, cultural, handcraft and artistic heritage; with the purpose of promoting the "Bisiacaria", the province of Gorizia and the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, through different activities.
The group takes part in the most important European Folklore festivals; through their public performances with the choir, the pageants and promotional exhibitions.
Their aim is to safeguard the “bisiache” traditions and dialect, they organize and often travel with their theme exhibitions, and they do their own publishing. They also collaborate with schools with different projects.
In recognition of the Voluntary work, and in particular social solidarity, since 2005 The Group has been awarded an Onlus qualification.
(Onlus) non–profit institution – charity

Turriaco, “A spanociar” 21.09.02

Turriaco, “Quarto stato” 25.03.01

Piazza Libertà: Villa Priuli. 15.05.2005