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Voluntary Work Project

The Group has been officially registered with the General Register of the regional Voluntary work Organisations since 2005 as an acknowledgement of its commitment to the community and its long standing activity in the schools.
More specifically, the Group developed a project aimed at entertaining the old guests of local rest homes and called Musica e Vita (Music and Life).
In 2009 another project, whose name is Musicalmente SuperAbile (Musically Surmountable, but it is a pun which cannot be translated) has been launched with the aim of promoting the integration of kids with Down syndrome.
In addition, charity singing performances are staged when requested by other local associations.
The Group has been working closely with schools for a long time in order to promote the awareness of voluntary work and the importance of local culture and traditions among young people.


Ronchi dei Legionari, struttura aperta Corradini, novembre 2005

Ronchi dei Legionari, festa provinciale del volontariato  22.05.05

Fogliano, uno degli interventi