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Choir Project

The idea to add a choir to the already varied activities of the Traditional “Bisiac” Costumes Group has become a reality in 2003 thanks to the willingness of the singing teacher Federica Volpi. The aim is to bring to life old popular “bisiac” and regional songs acting the texts and interacting with the public.
The Group has performed for the first time in the Teatro Comunale in Monfalcone during the 2004 edition of the “Cantafestival de la Bisiacaria” with the song “Quando che 'ndeu catarla” (When I Went to See Her), which is the oldest bisiac song so far known.
Since then the choir has performed many times both in Italy and abroad to public and critic acclaim and gradually enlarging its repertoire. Among the international performances: Germany, France, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia and England (Covent Garden).
Another big success was its participation in the show “Il Quattordicidiciotto” [it], about the First World War, included in the project “Sentieri di Pace” (“Trails to Peace”) by the local office for events in Fogliano Redipuglia.



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particolari del coro