logo costumi bisiachi

Gadgets and leaflets

The Traditional “Bisiac” Costumes Group has worked out a project aimed at promoting the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and increasing the tourist stream towards its territory.
To this purpose the Group distributes (in Italy and abroad) leaflets and booklets providing any kind of information. Some of these are available by the regional tourist information offices but the Group has also made the brochure “Bisiacaria” which has been translated into six languages so far.
The Group manufactures also typical hade made products of different kind: from heart-shaped biscuits packed one by one to pictures made of wood and cloth; from aprons to cloth bags; and then baskets and other objects made of wicker. Each product is supplied with the Registration Mark of the group. The precious typical cloth doll (Pupa Bisiaca) and the White and Red Wines (Bianc Bisiác and Nero Bisiác) deserve a special a quote

stand St. Kanzian agosto 2007

prodotti vari

pan dolz

Turriaco, Sala consiliare: assemblea annuale dei soci, gennaio 2006 “i nostri prodotti”