The wines:
“Bianc Bisiàc” and “Nero Bisiàc”
Among the different activities aimed to promote the land Bisiacaria which the Traditional Costumes Group “Gruppo Costumi Tradizionali Bisiachi” has been developing in recent times there is also the diffusion of the typical wines which this land produces. “Bianc Bisiác” and “Nero Bisiác” are proprietary names and respectively define the white and red wine especially selected for the Group by a local wine producer. The artist Marina Legovini, who was born in Monfalcone (Bisiacaria), designed the particular label.
The official presentation of the two wines “Bianc bisiàc”[img] and “Nero bisiàc”[img]
took place on 13th June 2007 in Monfalcone, during the press conference at the opening of the wine festival organized by the local office for events.